Diacon IGR Plus-Case-2×2.5 gal.




A versatile liquid formulation, Diacon® IGR PLUS is ideal for use on stored grains and for treating empty bins and warehouses for stored product insect control. The product provides excellent control of lesser grain borers, Indian meal moths, saw-toothed grain beetles and many other stored product insects.
*Combination insect growth regulator PLUS adulticide
*Active ingredients (S)-methoprene and deltamethrin
*Long-residual control
*Emulsifiable concentrate
*Dilute with oil or water
*Apply directly to grain stream
*Offered as quart size and a 2.5 gallon size
*CODEX approved for cereal grains
*Perfect tank-mix partner with PBO-8® Synergist for weevil control

Additional information

Weight 736 oz
Dimensions 10 × 15 × 15 in

Application Tips

Application of Diacon® IGR PLUS provides effective knockdown and control of adult insects and their larvae and prevents the buildup of pests with long-residual control of the IGR. Protect stored grains by treating empty bins as well as warehouses for stored product insect control.

Application Rates and Usage

Treatment options by commodity of 0.5 ppm deltamethrin/1.25 ppm (S)-methoprene and 1 ppm deltamethrin/2.5 ppm (S)-methoprene
Mix 0.25 – 1.5 fl oz with water to make one gallon of solution – treats 1,000 square feet of surface area
Always follow label directions